Velma (because otherwise I might receive a death threat).
I tend to think it’s a cultural thing. Asian/Indian cultures just tend to embrace you as a nomad. We all deeply love our friends, and even when we don’t speak for months, we can laugh, smile, and banter so immediately. I definitely don’t feel that culture in Los Angeles. As much as I love the city, I don’t feel my heart beating ever. I spoke with friends from DC that were like cousins, best friends, and then we lost touch. But…it was again the same.
I love friends that make fun of me: “You came home and you were giving me things from your purse.” “Your suitcase is a hurricane, I’m getting stressed out by your suitcase (prior blog post) and that feeling of coming home and feeling like you’re home.
I text my friends from LA continuously…..yet when I’m New York, I don’t have to text. Do you feel that, when you think you have to maintain friendships, but sometimes friends aren’t something you need to maintain? That’s my Velma. I wanted to save a blog for her, because I don’t speak enough of her, and yet she’s essentially allowed me to accept myself.
We don’t speak as frequently as most do because we both believe in not talking until we need to. When we talk, we come up with solutions that might as well cure cancer (Night Out) is our newest invention from sitting at a nail spa absolutely bored out of our minds. We wanted hair and makeup at the same time and didn’t realize why someone didn’t invent that option yet. (I’m putting this out in the blog sphere because I am claiming bank off of someone’s fortune if they have the funds to start the brand.).
Velma and I don’t judge one another. We are both absolutely out of our minds, (in only the lovely way). Her bachelorette involved us making people laugh at our insane and often hilarious perspectives. We talk about Politics. We talk about Religion. We talk about everything that we shouldn’t. At the end of the night we are polarizing, yet completely at one.
One day we will run against one another in office. Until then, I celebrate my Velms who I believe gets more beautiful with every absolutely foul thing that comes out of her mouth.
I met Velma at a University of Michigan Political Science Class. She would not shut her mouth. And instead of getting absolutely annoyed with her, I fell in love with her. This women will not shut up, but I won’t either. If only we could be the Golden Girls, but then it would be a reality show gone wrong. And of course, she’s getting married.